Xe4 Member. Oct 25, 9, God, I really need to catch up on SvFoE. I don't even think I finished the second half of season 2, much less the TV movie. Cool thread, thanks Psx and MrLuchador. Here we go! EDIT: ha ha, holy shit. Last edited: Nov 6, Toffee is THE most squandered character on the show.
A mystery immortal taken out by a deus ex machina Star. BfM really really soured me on this show, I hope it gets better. Maximo Member. Oct 25, 6, Pretty hyped last season was good. PSqueak Member. Oct 25, 12, Star came back today? Time to raid Yay. Scent of a hoodie was cute, Rest in Pudding was just creepy but Janna was the real star of the episode. Oct 25, 17, Ohio.
Oh snap that starts this week. I gotta catch up already! Nov 1, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward more to the Show or the meltdowns from shippers. I have my preference, StarCo. But some people get way to invested and the resulting salt is like a bad drug for me. Some times the fan base on places like Tumblr reminds me of the chaos when Naruto and Bleach ended.
Opto Member. Oct 28, 4, Fuuuck, forum upheaval made me lose track of this show. Thanks OP! Not a bad start. Here's a sad Star avatar if anyone wants it: Spoiler. Last edited: Nov 8, Oct 25, 17, I think one of the most important things is Spoiler Jackie sitting with Marco when he was talking to janna. Mary Celeste Member. MattWhite Member. Oct 27, 2, I don't get to watch the episodes until Wednesday. D: I'll need to get caught up so I can actually have some discussion.
Art for the art god! SigmasonicX Member. Oct 25, 10, The stuff with the knight was just kind of there, for me. Not sure if I like Glossaryck being back already, and him maybe spending a few episodes in a baby-like state. After club snubbed, I kinda want to know how Tom's mother and father met. It's basically like Tom and Star dynamic but in reverse. Last edited: Nov 7, So far this season seems laser-focused on relationships.
Depending on your point of view that could be a good or bad thing. Oh well, early promo time. All the good stuff. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.
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