Instalar php5 en windows 7 con apache

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Etiquetas Apache 2. Acerca del Autor. Ver Todos las Entradas. Clic Aqui para Publicar un Comentario. Gracias de antemano Saludos cordiales. Hola, gracias por la respuesta. Yo tengo Windows Seven 32 bits y tampoco funciona nada de lo que se ha corregido, alguna idea? En algun lado lei que que la version de apache 2. Espero que a alguno le sirva de ayuda! Publicaciones Recientes. Por cierto, para esto debes tener configurado e instalado un servidor con PHP.

Recibir un email con los siguientes comentarios a esta entrada. Recibir un email con cada nueva entrada. View the code on Gist. Comparte esto: Tweet. But you can also use the following commands, for a much faster "turnaround". Then type: net start w3svc and that will start the webserver service again.

I wish I could remember where I read this tip; it isn't anything I came up with You can have multiple versions of PHP running on the same Apache server. Finally, I have come up with the simplest solution I've seen so far, limited to reconfiguring Apache's httpd. My goal is to have PHP5 as the default scripting language for. Here it is Apache's httpd. You can play with httpd. You can also use multiple php. Remember to put your php. This has its advantages and limitations.

If you have to run PHP as Apache module, then Hope this helps someone. This resulted in "No input file specified" errors whenever I tried to load the default page in my site's directories. I don't know why this broke things, but it did.

If anyone has the same problem, this may be the cause. IIS setup: forbidden error. We configured 5.


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