Residential Mailboxes:. Business Mailboxes:. Total Delivery Receptacles:. Number of Businesses:. Annual Payroll:. Water Area:. Land Area:. Single Family Delivery Units:. Multi Family Delivery Units:. Total Beneficiaries:. Retired Workers:. Disabled Workers:. Widow er s and Parents:. Monthly Benefits - All:. Monthly Benefits - Retired Workers:. Monthly Benefits - Widow ers :. A Core Based Statistical Area is the official term for a functional region based around an urban center of at least 10, people, based on standards published by the Office of Management and Budget OMB in These standards are used to replace the definitions of metropolitan areas that were defined in These are defined by their population densities.
To be considered a Micro area, population must be between 10, and 50, To be considered a Metro area, population must exceed 50, CBSA Type:. Percentage of Slovaks in Alaska by Zip Code. Percentage of Swedes in Alaska by Zip Code. Percentage of Swiss in Alaska by Zip Code. Percentage of Ukrainians in Alaska by Zip Code. Percentage of Welsh in Alaska by Zip Code. Unemployment Rate in Alaska by Zip Code.
Database Download. Chart Pie Chart Pie. Black or African American. American Indian and Alaska Native. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Nursery school, preschool. Elementary school grades High school grades College or graduate school. High school graduate includes equivalency. Bachelor's degree or higher. Graduate or professional degree. Females 16 years and over. Percentage of Italians in Alaska by City. Percentage of Lithuanians in Alaska by City.
Percentage of Norwegians in Alaska by City. Percentage of Poles in Alaska by City. Percentage of Portuguese in Alaska by City. Percentage of Russians in Alaska by City. Percentage of Scotts in Alaska by City. Percentage of Slovaks in Alaska by City. Percentage of Swedes in Alaska by City. Percentage of Swiss in Alaska by City. Percentage of Ukrainians in Alaska by City. Percentage of Welsh in Alaska by City.
Percentage of West Indians in Alaska by City. Percentage of Population in Military in Alaska by City. Percentage of Government Employees in Alaska by City. Unemployment Rate in Alaska by City. Percentage of Population employed in Agriculture in Alaska by City. Percentage of Population employed in Construction in Alaska by City.
Percentage of Population employed in Manufacturing in Alaska by City. Percentage of Population employed in Retail in Alaska by City. Percentage of Population employed in Transportation in Alaska by City. Median Household Income in Alaska by City. Average Income per Person in Alaska by City.
Average Commute Time in Alaska by City. Percentage of Detached Homes in Alaska by City. Percentage of Households heated by Electricity in Alaska by City. Percentage of Households heated by Wood in Alaska by City. Percentage of Households heated by Solar in Alaska by City.